Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy faces

Something made me google for 'Happy Faces', checked the image results and you know what, the results were pretty surprising.

Most of the images were the Smiley yellow faces, the emoticons which have become an enternal part of our cyber lives, the other pics were of kids or dogs.

Its not surprising to see kids smiling, what amused me is the fact that there were no pics of adults smiling out there, weird, why do we become so serious?

It reminds me of an incident few years ago, I was supposed to meet my friends near a certain Petrol station in Bangalore, we were heading out for a day at the amusement park, and though I had stayed in B'lore for more than 6 yrs then, I landed up at the wrong place, so stuck there, while I called my friends and let them identify where I was, cursing myself all the time, a lady sitting her big car called out to me, my immediate thought was that if she was asking about directions, then she reached out to the wrong person, how can someone lost guide anyone else?

Thinking and smiling, ready to tell her that I am lost and can't help her, I moved close to rolled down car window, when this lady smiles at me and says, "you looked so happy, I just wanted to say Hi" , shocked, amused, I smiled even more, wished her a nice day and then moved back to the spot where I was standing awaiting my friends..

This little episode is very close to my heart, whenever I am a bit sad or low, I just relive the moment.. It never fails to bring back a smile onto my face, boy if I can look happy while lost, I can be happy period.

Maybe thats what missing in so many adult's lives, this little bit of happiness, we are looking out for bills, needs, wants, money, that we forget about the little things that count.

Here is to making them count and looking forward to more happy faces..


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